🗂️ Best of handpicked in September 2023 and supporters only extra
The best snippets & funding news that landed in your inbox last month with an extra few.
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A month has passed, and here is the collection again. A roundup of my favourite snippets, up to 6 per week or more. Thank you so much for your support! ❤️ You can also easily navigate to each issue by clicking on the title.
In September, we crossed 4k subs, and I finally opened a new channel, Instagram.
Unpublished extras
Should you Angel Invest? by Byrne Hobart. Based on my stock-picking experience I would say definitely not. Thinking I could be the next Warren Buffett was probably the worst mistake of my life.
Critical Periods For Language: Much More Than You Wanted To Know by Astral Codex Ten goes deep into the ways we learn languages. Nothing conclusive, but I feel that proper accents are tough to pick up, and children have a clear advantage!
Expressionist Architecture: Where Berlin Looks Like Gotham City from Exberliner has some nice buildings to check out.
Seasonal allergies kill! “We demonstrate that high pollen days are associated with increased accidents and injuries—one of the most extreme consequences of cognitive impairment.”
A dying writer and blogger, Jake Seliger, on regrets. Do you have some?